How 1080spinna ripped an edge out i have no idea, i don't think he's hit a rail in his life... i had to send my 1080's back once this past season but that was due to some major ice and a mis-calculated back flip, but i have had the first and second Generations of them and was most impressed, never once broke anything on either of them. I find it suprising that if it was the worst designed ski of the season, that they wouldn't change the design for this year. I think they are fine personally. I also feel that people put way too much faith in companies just because a big name backs them. I'm not saying that Armada sucks or anything, but too many little kids claim Armada to be the baddest thing out there when only maybe 1/10th of them have skied them, and an 1/8th of them have even seen them in person. Some people just need to start thinking for themselves and not just take someone else's word for it. But what do i know....
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