This was my first season skiing and I really got into it. One thing I noticed it that a lot (not all) of the skiers I met said that skiing is the only sort of exercises they do regularly. I would really like to see what some of the kids I met could do if they were in better shape. So yea I'm not a great skier but I do know how to work out. The Fist part is about supplements the Second part is about exercises I have been doing.
Ok now for supplements
1. VITAMINS: Everyone should take some sort of a multi vitamin; if you haven't been taking them you will notice improvements in your energy and focus within a couple of days. Plus they turn your piss a cool neon yellow. There are different 'levels' of vitamins you can take, I'll list them according to their price and intensity: 1. Something like Centrum, or the generic brand
2. Something like Mega Men or Mega Men Sport from GNC
3. Something like Animal Pack, which is the multivitamin used by Body Builders
2. PROTEIN: I think anybody who is old enough to start weight training should be taking protein. Your goal should be to consume one gram of protein per pound on body weight daily; if you weigh 100 pounds you should eat 100 grams of protein each day. Protein jugs are typically around 30-40 dollars but they differ in the amount of servings and the effectiveness.
1. A Basic Whey Protein from GNC should be like $30
2. A time release protein, I use PRO-Bolic S/R, its like $35, you take this at night
3. My regular protein is an Anabolic Protein, Theres different companies and prices, as the name implies this is more intense and effective.
3. CREATINE if you are old enough, big enough, and serious enough about your workout you should take a creative or NO2 product. Prices vary; in addition the price does not always reflect the effectiveness. IF YOU ARE GOING TO TAKE CREATINE YOU MUST DRINK A LOT OF WATER. I don't want to freak you guys out with the caps but it’s important. It’s really not hard; you don’t have to drink that much, but people who don't drink any could run into kidney problems.
1. Some of you who watch the UFC have probably seen Xience, it’s a good all around supplement for beginners but it’s not the strongest stuff out there. If you are nervous about creatine, which I don't think you should be, I would start with this.
2. Right now I'm taking a product called Beta NOX, its good but its really intense, I got it for $30 but I think its supposed to be like $40
4. PRO-HORMONES:Ok, now if you are really serious I recommend a pro hormone cycle. Some of you won't be old enough for this. You have to be honest with yourself, you should not start this unless you are almost entirely done with puberty. Otherwise you will have a host of side effects, I think the term "bitch tits" should be enough to deter any of you 16 yr olds from taking this, I didn't do my first cycle until I was 20.
1. Non-Methyl cycles are less intensive, BOLD by a company called iForce is a good example.
2. Methyl cycles are serious stuff, they require a cycle support supplement as well as post cycle therapy. All in all a good cycle will run you about $150 with all the necessary liver support substances. For your first cycle you should stay away from products like Jungle Warfare or Testenate 150. DO YOUR RESEARCH
Ok, I'm not going to give a full body work out here, you can figure that out on your own. I have listed some exercises that I think will help improve your spinning power. At the end I have also included links to websites with ski-specific workout programs.
1. Exercises for Spinning.
a. Wood Choppers: start in a squat position holding a medicine ball or a weight plate at your side with two hands. Now explode upwards bringing the medicine ball across your body to the other side as high as you can. You may want to jump if you play basketball as this is a good conditioning power exercise for basketball players. Upon return to the starting position bring the medicine ball downwards using your abs
b. Plate Twists: Sit on the floor on a mat and hold a weight plate with both hands out in front of your abdominals with your arms slightly bent. Lean back slightly with your upper body and elevate your legs off the floor. Rotate from side to side and touch the plate on the floor on either side. Remember to contract your midsection throughout the entire exercise as you twist from side to side.
c Windmills: This exercise is one of the most challenging. Lie on your back with your arms extended and raise your legs until they are perpendicular to the floor. Slowly lower your legs to the side as low as you can while maintaining complete shoulder and back contact with the floor. Bring your legs back up to center and lower them to the other side.
d. Twisting Superman: Lie down on your stomach and raise your torso off the floor with your arms extended in front of you (beginners may place their hands behind their head). Here’s the twist: At the top of the raise, twist to one side, return to the center and twist to the other side. Lower your torso to the ground to complete one rep. Hold a two- to five-pound weight for a more advanced movement.
e. Matrix Twist: Stand with feet shoulder width and arms straight out and parallel to the ground. Keeping your arms as straight as possible, reach back with your right arm and touch the back of your left knee. Then switch sides and use your left arm to touch the back of your right knee.
f. Also I have been jumping up the stairs and doing 180s all the way up. Another thing I have been doing is just trying to jump on something a couple of feet high and trying to do a 180 or a 360 onto it. I think that spinning as you jump up onto something is a better work out then spinning jumping off of something. Spinning by jumping off of 1 leg is also good.
g. I have been putting on my skis and just going in the front yard and messing around. Jumping in place, trying to line up grabs, doing nose stalls, and I'm also going to build a rail here soon.
So yea, I hope that helps some of you improve for next year. Let me know what you guys do for off season training pr of you have any questions I will try to answer them.
Heres the links: