ESPN made an article yesterday about how much skill it takes to play a
sport and made a chart out of 60 sports, number one taking the most
skill. 60 taking the least. boxing took first and hockey took second.
there are 4 or so disciplines of skiing involved, alpine, nordic, ski
jumping, and freestyle. i probably missed some. now, in all honesty i
think our view of freestyle skiing to be very difficult, it was rated
25 out of 60. i think it should be in the top ten. why? our sport
requires guts first of all, you dont just go and drop a sixty foot
cliff the first day you ever try skiing. hell tons of people never
will. i know that is an exaggeration but skiing takes lots of practice.
somebody can pick up a basketball and get the hang of it quickly. to
freestyle ski, you have to learn how to ski, then go freestyle. it
takes years for this. now maybe espn's view of freestyle skiing is to
go down a little hill on snow blades and hit a 2 inch jump, or maybe
they mean moguls or something. anyways i wonder who agrees. here is
the link.