I asked all the snowboarders i know, why they like snowboarding better than freestyle skiing, and heres the answer i got -'its our own thing man, we're just trying to be different than every stiff ass prick skier there is. There's something cool about a sport that few people do.'
OK where should i start? This sorta shows the hypocrisy in major sports today. People wanna be part of something cool, new and growing. However, snowboarding has been here for over 30 years, and newschool skiing pbly only for a decent 5 years. Not only that but they also have no idea about any other sports, especially skiing because apparently we are all 'stiff ass pricks', whereas they are doing there own thing. WTF? This just shows sheer stupidity, so your allowed to do your own thing and be cool, but the rest of us who do our own thing are pricks? I just find it kinda irritating, these people never really tried this shit, but their puttin it down. How can our sport really progress and become more popular when this is the mindset of almost every kid who goes to the slopes? We cant change these peoples minds, because they dont give a shit, or are too ignorant to see what they are actually saying. I'm not sayin i want newschool to go totally mainstream, i just want a bit more respect from fellow athletes, sorta like professional courtesy, and it sorta pains to be gettin shit for somethin that i devote countless hours and large amounts of money doing. A lot of you guys are pbly gonna say who cares? The point is, its hurting our sport. If we dont get support than say goodbye to pioneers like jason levinthal, and Mike Douglas, and new companies starting up. A lot of you will also say that 'just ski to ski', if that was the case with every pro, our sport wouldnt have gotten very far to begin with. I mean, how would you feel if you spent hours and hours trying to perfect a trick, or just land it, and you get shit for doing it. After a while it becomes really frustrating. just my 2 cents.
'We can dance if we want to, we can leave your friends behind, cause they dont dance, and if they dont dance they aint no friends of mine.'
Me- come here doggy
Karl-I dont think he understands english man
Alex-yeah, it is a GERMAN shepherd