I can walk into my school on any given morning and see hundreds, yes hundreds, of young high school students drinking caffeinated beverages like it was water. What these people and the rest of America don’t realize is that they have all become drug users. It doesn’t just stop at caffeine fiends; it extends to everyone who thinks they are using prescription drugs safely. Safe prescription drugs, an oxymoron if I ever saw one.
These people go about their days so overly “medicated” with pills, soda, coffee, and sugar, that if they were to cut out these substances they would go through withdrawal. So why is it that these people can walk among society and blend in, yet when people discover I am a marijuana smoker, I am labeled a pariah and looked upon differently?
I smoke as a means of spiritual discovery, relaxation, and a way to alter my mood. I do I responsibly as most marijuana smokers do. Some give us a bad wrap (those who smoke to get fucked up and make stupid decisions) but most are people who have made the decision to smoke in life and wouldn’t change it. Why am I looked down on even though I can function the same if not better than most people in this nation?
Can one truly still say that in this day and age that people are still brainwashed by Nancy Reagan and William Randolph Hurst? How can a country that is so accepting of people having their own opinion still continues to feed bullshit to its denizens about the “dangers of cannabis”? If we as a whole are able to look past all the lies fed to us years ago about women being weaker and black Americans being less of a person and have two candidates of these categories prepared to lead the country, then we should be able to look past the lies and prejudices of marijuana.
What I am asking of anyone who reads this is to look past what you have been told. Think for yourself and decide what is right for you and judge no one other than that. Stand up for something even though you might not be right you, because you realize that everyone has a different set of values. For some tobacco and alcohol is perfectly acceptable, others it might be wrong. One might find marijuana and healthy foods grown from this earth naturally the only way to live, another can live on fast food. Get out of your mind set that your way of living is the only way to experience life and support others who follow a different path.