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Rolling up ski pant leg steeze
Posts: 1167
Karma: 14
Is there a name for the rolled up ski pant steeze, if so there needs to be, it definitely looks steezy as hell.
Posts: 16030
Karma: 151
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Karma: 350
what you gunna call it? Ian compton and followers?
Posts: 1880
Karma: 368
i just did to proctect the bottoms so they dont get all chewed up cuz my pants gators suck i thought it looked goofy as all hell but to each is own i guess
Posts: 5333
Karma: 168
shits sooooooo sick. serious guyz. every1 should dew it!?!!
Posts: 14332
Karma: 1,268
great, now your just gunna boost ryan william's ego.
Posts: 2024
Karma: 93
dont hate on it,but also dont do it for steeze. i doit when hiking/seshing or doing urbans just to save my pant cuffs
Posts: 5639
Karma: 40
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Karma: 151
The only reason i'd do it.
Posts: 3225
Karma: 47
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Karma: 114
I do what I want!
Which is at the moment...leave em down, cause I'm to lazee to get sno down my feets!
Posts: 5639
Karma: 40
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Karma: 6,752
Looks dope. Big up to the OTB pioneers. That being said.... don't, don't do it. It's only steezy until every swingin' dick is rockin' it. Stop the Swagger Jocking.
Posts: 225
Karma: 18
are you guys joking??? wow
Posts: 434
Karma: 2,156
I really hope that rolling up the legs of ski pants will remain decidedly un-cool. Steezy? What?
You're all gonna say I'm hating on it. Damn straight.
Posts: 191
Karma: 897
yee willy b. can rock that shit
Posts: 1167
Karma: 14
Steezeboat is all about OTB, i've been reppin it since mid season, its so much more gangsta than the traditional pant style http://media.nscdn.com/uploads/member/videos/1208999607steamboat.mov
Posts: 161
Karma: 12
Posts: 3548
Karma: 797
snowboarders have been doing that for a couple years now out west
Posts: 4554
Karma: 96
Every were i go its labeled as "the revolution" cus my friend calls everyone out who reps it like himself
Posts: 2408
Karma: 93
what if(this is all theoretical) only SOME people latched on to that trend, then SOME OTHER people latched on to another, then more to another, then more and more trends show up. then skiing would have.... personality??
Posts: 1320
Karma: 86
this thread is so dumb
when i do im not trying to look steezy im just trying not to rip the bottom of my pants
Posts: 2026
Karma: 348
rolling up your pant legs makes you a huge faggot
Posts: 46
Karma: 10
^^ i would have to say that having sex with boys makes you a faggot not rolling up your pants. though rolling up your pants is stupid if your doing it to look cool. you should also cut the sleeves off your jacket that would look mad steazy also. ????
Posts: 2379
Karma: 129
thats the gayest thing ive ever heard... its almost as gay as rocking a rag over your face in the bar..
Posts: 1451
Karma: 33
I'll do it in the parking lot so as not to get the cuffs all shitty, dirty, and cut up.
Posts: 3757
Karma: 44
walking=makes sense
skiing=looks gay imo
Posts: 2535
Karma: 86
I just tuck my pants into my boots, it's a real life saver.
Posts: 5117
Karma: 65
i roll it up when im walking through the parking lot, and somketimes i forget that ive done it. so yeah sometimes i rock the roll up steeze for 1 or 2 runs until i realize that its up
Posts: 1018
Karma: 158
Iannick B used to do that.actually he still does
Posts: 10333
Karma: 3,948
Ian Compton Steeze!
The only reasons I do it are -
1. Walking
2. Urban
3. Trying to be like Ian Compton
Posts: 581
Karma: 254
i think it funny when people leave them up while they are still skiing
Posts: 678
Karma: 27
racers roll their pants up like that.
Posts: 1840
Karma: 29
yea rolling them up when walkin is one thing but when skiing get ur sag on!!!!
Posts: 5153
Karma: 161
sometimes i forget to pull my pants back down over my boots after tightening them...then i realize it half way down and feel like a total gaper. i skied around loon for about 45 minutes with just one over the boot. woooo awesome
Posts: 11586
Karma: 1,860
i did it once in a rail jam in a parking lot. but never on the hill, theres no point
Posts: 1183
Karma: 21
I dont really care one way or another-it makes sense when walking around and I personally do it from time to time. To the people that said it doesn't tear up their pants skiing is just dumb. Unless you have really really shitty pants, or they have been used for 5+ years, then they will most likely not tear to shit. They might have some tears, but they shouldn't get that bad, and lets be honest now, do you really need the bottoms of the legs if you are gonna roll them up anyways? Just don't use the excuse "I don't want to tear my pants on the mountain"... because you won't. If you are gonna rock it while skiing then you should support it, not make up an excuse.
Posts: 533
Karma: 72
not a fan
but i guess its ur choice
Posts: 4370
Karma: 161
Posts: 5153
Karma: 161
Posts: 1474
Karma: 13
you all say you roll up your cuffs, and im talking about when your skiing, to save the bottoms of your pants, but what is the point of having immaculate cuffs on your pants when they are always rolled up and you cant even see the bottom of them?
Posts: 3225
Karma: 47
compton is the biggest swagger jacker in this thread.
Posts: 8356
Karma: 1,084
Posts: 1475
Karma: 1,062
Posts: 22
Karma: 10
Posts: 7813
Karma: 5
Posts: 766
Karma: 23
i think its the most digusting trend that skiing ever had
Posts: 3323
Karma: 28
Posts: 3396
Karma: 25
like to your knee ala ll cool j back in the day?
sounds like you might get a cool leg.
Posts: 1077
Karma: 15
i only roll up one, so to let everyone know im packin heat.
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