I dont know if this is the proper way to do it but its the way that i do it
You have to have a program that alows you to view a bunch of photos on
a bar or a screen, it also has to have something that alows you to cut
out a character (eg.skier,person) and paste it to another image.
Ok. I start off with a base image out of you series of pics. You
pick out one of them that suits the best way to do things (like
placement of the characters, lighting,etc...). After you have that background pic, grab
the next image and cut out around the character (works best if you have
a zoom feature) very closely to it. After you have that character cut
out, drag it or copy paste it over to the one image you choose out for
your background image. Then you grab the next image (within a different frame)
and cut out that one and place it on the background image. But make sure that
it is in the appropriate spot. Dont try to make it look un-natural or
fake. And continue on with the cutting out and dragging until you have the person at he end of the jump/ drop/
run/ etc...
i hope this is a good explanation on how to do a sequence. tell me if it works for you.
some example of mine ive done
this one i thought was hard to do b/c of the pow