Sessions Snow Camo Valor Jacket and Achilles Pants (Both Size L). It has your typical light brown discoloration in some spots typical of a white suit, but I'm sure a good dry cleaning will clean it up... Price: $75 each piece or $125 for the whole suit SHIPPED.

Next we have the PSP which comes with everything you see in the picture (PSP, Charger, Logitech Hard Case which it was ALWAYS kept in, 256mb card, SSX on tour, MLB 07 the show, GTA: Vice City Stories, and NCAA Football 07)... Price $140 SHIPPED

Jensen In-Dash CD/MP3/DVD Player w/ 7 inch motorized flip out LCD screen. Only thing wrong with this unit is that the volume knob is a bit touchy, but after awhile, you can learn to live with it... Price: $200 SHIPPED.
Technical Information on head unit: http://

Playstation 2 which will come with all of the games you see listed below. I may split it up but it all depends on the offer. It also comes with two controllers, 16mb and 8mb memory cards, power cord, and A/V cables... Price: $150 SHIPPED.
Games withOUT instruction booklet:
Madden 07
Madden 2002
Ace Combat 04
Games WITH instruction booklet:
Fifa Soccer 2002
Midnight Club 2
Fifa Street 2
Crash: The Wrath of Cortex
Need for Speed Underground
Socom 3: U.S. Navy Seals
Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War
NBA 06
NCAA Football 07
Fifa Soccer 2004
NBA Street 2
Socom: U.S. Navy Seals
Nascar Thunder 2002
Sky Odyssey
NCAA March Madness 2004
MVP Baseball 2005
MVP Baseball 2006
MTV's Celebrity Deathmatch
MX Unleashed
Summer Heat Beach Volleyball
Medal of Honor: Frontline
Conflict Desert Storm

PS2 Slim which comes with two WIRELESS controllers, an 8mb memory card, power cable, A/V cables... Price: $100 SHIPPED.

If you are interested, I can throw all of the games in the box with the PS2 Slim as well for an extra $50. Please hook a brother up and buy my stuff!