it represents everything thats wrong with our legislative branch. a blown-out-of-proportion bill that covers so many different things that the house and senate can't agree with what to do with it.
find the common thread between these items:
- safety net for farmers who lose crops to bad weather
- help for landowners who discover endangered species on their property
- subsidies for growers of corn, wheat, cotton
- litigation measures concerning the Exxon Valdez spill
- funding social food aid programs (such as Bread for the World)
- benefits to owners of race horses
- elimination of federal funds on physician-owned hospitals
obviously politicians are having heart attacks figuring out to vote yes or no for so many issues all at once.
citizens against government waste watchdog group documents all the pork that gets line-itemed into important bills in order to secure that congressman's / senator's vote. read it and weep.