Ok, so here's the deal. I'm a senior in high school, and every year the graduating class puts on "The Senior Play," which is basically a Saturday-Night-Live style skit show. I am sort of one of the more main writers for a lot of the skits, because lets face it, i'm fucking hilarious. But i ran out of hilarious, so now i need to borrow some of newschoolers.
So here's your chance to write or suggest a skit or script that, if funny enough, will be performed by a bunch of wisconsin high schoolers in front of an audience exceeding 1000 people... WOWZERZ!!!1!!11!eleven!!!!
All scripts for skits need to be submitted to the school for approval by April 21st, so the sooner the better folks.
And for real, i'd love a TON of suggestions. Everything from bits and pieces of ideas to full scripts helps. Thanks a ton in advance people.