Its a random sale just a couple things.
First up some ooooold spy targa 1s. Im thinkin mebbe 10 or 12 bucks or a trade for some pole grips. Lenses have some scratches but def still useable.
Next up a camo bad LT size large. Never taken any real hits and since its cloth no scrapes.
Sticker can be removed. Theres a tiny cut in the back where i wanted to see what color it was
underneath but its under the goggle strap so its invisible. Im thinking like 15 or 20, or trade for pole
grips plus some cash.
the cut
Finally a kodak camera. 5 megapixel, 10x zoom. fairly customizeable compared to most point and
shoot cameras. Comes with CD cables and 32 mb card. Ill take offers or trades but be reasonable
PM me with questions.