ive decided that violence to support a crooked or warped cause or to merely just establish a false sense of power over another group of people who choose to do what they want to do, or in this case live the lifestyle that they choose to live, is no better than a hate crime.
ive read everything this xjacobx fellow has to say and frankly i can see where hes coming from. there are definitely people at parties and shows that are absolute fuckheads and will maybe spill a beer on you or something of that nature. i agree that that would make any sober or inebriated person really pissed off. but i dont think thats worth calling up your crew and beating the shit out of the kid whos just having a fun time like anyone else.
sure youre probably a good guy and im not insulting you personally xJacobx, but i do disagree with the movement you take part in, and the apathy that you show towards your "crew" beating up people who have a right to choose if they want to drink and/or smoke. you are just as guilty as any of them in my eyes. i also read that you have a house and a family and youre serving ur country in the gaurd. this brings me to think about how responsible you really are by taking part in this "movement". i ask you this question and you alone, are you really feeling like you make a difference by beating the shit out of people for their own personal choice to drink/smoke? do you really, honestly think that it is by any means moral to beat someone down for what they choose to do within their own free will? i do believe that is either a hate crime towards those people, or a violation of those peoples rights. even if those things are illegal, battery is also illegal and far more destructive.
now i do realize you have your own free will as well. i am not saying you should change and you should be a different person. i realize that you can be straightedge or whatever its called and you have every right to do that. HOWEVER, you have absolutely no right to beat a person down for utilizing their free will. period. if you do do this, and you engage in violence as a group of people who associate themselves with certain insignia, control territory, and threaten people into moving from certain states because they dont feel safe, then you are a gang member my friend.
its hard for me to show respect to someone who cant respect another human being.