Ok so probably many of you have heard of what's going on. And theres probably threads on this that I could've searchbarred.
However, being Chinese myself, I feel I have to offer a side of the story many don't consider. Today Hilary Clinton urged President Bush to boycott the opening ceremonies.
This I believe is the single fucking stupidest thing Clinton has done throughout her ill-fated cockfest of a campaign. I have nothing but disrespect for Hilary by the way. In fact, I have almost 0 if not less than 0 respect for all leftists. The Olympic Games, first off, should never EVER be the proverbial chess pieces of the political game. No country should ever use the Olympics of all things as a vehicle by which to coerce their own motives and agendas unto others. While I do agree China should have freedom of religion, I have to say boycotting the Olympics would be the single worst action of the United States in the past 8 years. Yeah, thats right. Worse than the war in Iraq. Worse than the slew of iffy interpretations of offense from every comment any senator made from 2006-present. The spirit of the Olympics is to suspend politics itself, and allow all nations despite any disagreements to compete freely in games. Originally in Ancient Greece, all wars were suspended so the games could be played. What is the world coming to these days under the hands of fucking liberals.
Now, I am a very huge anti-communist. I will be the first to criticize the actions, welfare, and infrastructure of China. However, this is not the method. Hilary Clinton can take her campaign and shove it up her arrogant ass.