hey guys,
so theres this video contest over here in europe going on sponsored by warsteiner (beer producer), prosieben "we love" (tv station), samsung (you probably know what theyre doing) and obviously hummer, since the main prize is a fucking h3.
its all about making a short movie, can be funny, can be action or whatever, it just should have some snow in it, so we decided to make a movie where we hit jumps straight gaper style, get a warsteiner and rip it afterwards. its not the big stuff (i am the guy with the seths, so harder to lay down tricks, it was a powder day earlier) action, but it just should look nice and easy to non-skiers (ok, i know, a backie is missing, youre right)....
and how life goes, i need votes, so heres the link:
i recommend to STRG+F "plusminus" and give it a "nr.1" call and then hit the "abstimmen"-button straight over your new number one
, thx alot guys, its in youre hands to give some freeskiers that hummer instead of lousy gapers hitting this airbag or doing some random shit on the slopes,
thx a lot guys, i know you wont let me down