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Pc park situation. NEED your help fast!
Posts: 385
Karma: 43
hey, i'm rolling to park city tomorrow for the first time in a while. what's the park situation? i heard the stepup is huge. sick? enough speed? what's the kings jumpline like? are the crowds gonna be gnarly? lots of questions. sorry.
Posts: 61841
Karma: 125,569
Kings = money 3 pack is amazing and if the snow is good the last 2 jumps are sick. I heard the step over in jonseys is wwaaayyy to flat, not enough pop. Apparently you go like 2ft off the ground the whole time. Stick to kings, soooo dope right now.
Posts: 385
Karma: 43
wurd. so what are the saturday crowds gonna be like?
Posts: 4007
Karma: 404
sat crowds are pretty intense, and its not going to be very nice out tomorrow either
Posts: 3936
Karma: 4,260
nah saturday is not gong to be very bad. the crowds have pretty much died off.
Posts: 385
Karma: 43
sounds sick. i'm bummed the weather is gonna be crappy tomorrow but i haven't been able to ride pc much this winter so i GOTTA get up there before they close. thanks for the feedback yall. i'm stoked to have some fun checking that shiz out.
Posts: 1758
Karma: 2,225
people are over this season... it wont be tocrowd
Posts: 8670
Karma: 2,190
word, the out-of-towners are pretty much done cmoing here so it shouldn't be bad. But unfortunatly the weather forcast is not that great for the next few days...though they have been wrong before.
Posts: 3443
Karma: 2,299
Looks like they were pretty wrong...almost the whole valley is bluebird.
Posts: 3936
Karma: 4,260
Posts: 2631
Karma: 57
it was empty yesterday and the park is money
Posts: 430
Karma: 17
Posts: 385
Karma: 43
dood, it was so sick. there was nobody. me and my buddy had kings to ourselves for like the first 4 runs. it was a fun day except i cased on the last one HARD and i think i cracked my heel. not chill.
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