We have lost a dult
We stopped in the Mary age
We were kings
We found math
Now we write
We must stop writing
And start talking
Or we will die
Whydid my education fail me? I like to think that it is because I think fasterthan others, but I know that is not true. For instance: I love math, but ittakes me a long time to complete a math test. It’s the same with puzzles, Ilove those and I tend to be able to figure them out, but they take me a longfucking time. Maybe it is because I smoke pot, but I doubt it. I think it isbecause ever since I became a dult. I have been hurting my brain.
Ibecame a dult much sooner than most. I became a dult at 13. It’s a silly age tobecome a dult if you ask me, but hey, old cultures are silly. It took me a longtime to realize that. It took me a much longer time to realize that they aren’tstupid. There is nothing stupid about my old culture. It’s the way my peopledid things for a long ass time.
WhatI am saying is that culture is slow. People are not, but their culture is. Weare big thinkers. Huge in fact. Take a look at some of my people: Jesus,Einstein, Vonnegut. Intelligent folk, according to many dults. I really don’tthink they were any smarter than anyone else. They thought so, but that is theway they were told to think. They were told to think that way by old white menwho liked things. I don’t much care for things, I like people.
Ithink my people had something important to say. Writing is good. It’s so good;we should just keep doing it. I mean really, what we’ve been doing here on thisplanet is doing it. We have been having sex. A whole bunch of it. Which makessense because there are so many of us. Six and a half bazillion and climbing.Like monkeys, we are fucking great at climbing. Have you ever tried it?Climbing on things is really fun. I like to climb rocks because I think it isfun. I like the way my muscles feel when I am climbing, and I like the way theyfeel when I am done climbing. Some dults call this “X for Size.” I call it fun.
Ithink sex should be fun, and lo and behold, my girl friend agrees with me. Wedo it all the time. It’s fantastic, because we aren’t made of plastic. We canfeel what each other feel like. We’re soft. Mushy, if you will. Our bones arehard, but the outsides of us are soft. We like to think we are hard, but thatonly happens when we are turned on.
Whoturns us on? I would tell you that porn stars don’t but you wouldn’t believeme. You would say,
“Dude there’s no way you wouldn’t fuck Jenna Jameson if youhad the chance.”
I would say,
“Fuck yourself.”
“Over and out.”
Because that is exactly what you are doing if you aren’tfucking somebody else.
“Masturbating,” or waiting, or wasting time in front of ascreen, or doing your job.
You are thinking only about yourself.
Whenyou are having sex with someone else, you are thinking. About other people,like the person you are having sex with. You are sharing your body withanother. Sharing is caring.
Whendid we stop sharing? When blonde women with big tits told us they liked goingfast in our cars more than getting fucked.
Sohere is what I have to say,
“Get out of your cars and get fucked.”