Replying to I'm teaching my math class for math month...
i am having a teach-off against 4 other class "representatives" in math next week for math month. we can basically teach anything as long as it pertains to math, we are teaching 2 lessons and a 3rd with one day notice if it is a tie. oh and the other kids will teach boring math stuff we already have learned, so i want to go out of the box some and teach some interesting math, the kids can still understand. i'm in integrated 3 math. we dabble in trig, geometry and algebra so yeah....
my first subject will be zenox's paradox, i kinda need a lesson plan though if anyone can help, this one isn't a big deal.
i haven't decided my second lesson though, any ideas?!
oh and it would be sweet to win cause then my class get's a party a month till the end of school. plus i get 25 bonus points.
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