i apologize in advance for what will probably end up being a long rant...
first of all, the price we are paying for gas right now has little to do with what oil companies are currently paying per barrel of oil. (even though the price of crude is over 5 times as much as 6 years ago). the price we pay is dictated by projections of what the oil companies think will happen to oil prices in the future.
exxon/mobil, formerly the two largest competitors in the oil business, now merged into one mega corporation, just announced that it had its largest annual earnings ever last year. now to me and pretty much every consumer in america that makes you go "what the fuck?". how can we be paying almost 400% of what we paid in the late 90s and have oil companies be making the most money they have ever made?
now i don't really have any concrete evidence to back this up, but i am very suspicious of the bush administration on this one, namely dick cheney! his stock in halliburton has gone up over 3000%, yes three thousand percent, thats not a type-o, since 9/11, and as most of you know cheney is a former CEO of halliburton so its not like he only had a small amount of stock in the company... we're talking tens or even hundreds of billions of dollars here. no-bid contracts, corrupt politics, and of course the pre-emptive war in iraq based on lies all play into this. the bush family is basicly family with all the major oil lobbyists (as most of congress is as well because the oil companies have enough money to influence almost everyone in our government). the real reason oil companies are doing so well and why the middle and lower classes are struggling so much now is because of tax write offs. the large corporations and richest people in this country no longer have to pay their fair share, now the middle and lower classes are left with more taxes while at the same time having to pay more for their gas, oil, and energy costs. make sense? i don't think so.
the bush administration will go down in history as being the most corrupt, least intelligent, and hopefully the worst presidential administration in the history of this country. he has squandered our constitution and bill of rights, annihilated our economy, got us into a preemptive war that has killed over 4000 americans and cost us what could end up being over $3 trillion, has ruined the image of america in the eyes of the world, given us our largest national debt ever, and caused many americans to lose faith in their government (as can be seen by his approval ratings).
but the future is brighter my fellow nser... technology, i believe, is going to solve our energy needs. i'm not refering to nuclear power either... nuclear power is great and very efficient but who wants one in their backyard? and we still don't have a safe means of disposing our nuclear waste (sitting on shelves in a closely watched and guarded bunker). i'm also not sure of the safety levels that nuclear power can offer right now. maybe in the future when we can make it safer and when we find a real way of disposing of its waste, it could become an option. but i'm talking about wind, solar, water (including tide and wave harnessing), and geothermal power. most of our energy (70% i think) is from coal. if we could more fully learn how to harness the natural elements that are giving off energy for free everyday i imagine us breaking our fossil fuel addiction while living more in harmony with nature.
as far as our near future, fossil fuel-less car options go, i think electric cars are going to come a long way in the next few years. they already have electric cars that can go over 250 miles on a charge with a top speed of over 65mph. thats not too bad, incorporate some advanced solar panels on that and give it a few more years of research and i bet we'll see 500 miles on a charge or more and 80mph in another 5-10 years. hydrogen is also a possibility but its currently far too expensive and still not completely safe (think "hydrogen bomb"). whatever the answer, it requires us taking our national priorities out of iraq and putting it into our own country and technologies.
thanks for reading my rant... peace.