So I wouldn't consider myself a hippy or crazy environmentalist by any means. I have to compete in this world of oil and carbon just like everyone else. I just try to make a concious effort to always turn off the lights when I'm out of the room. I convinced my mom to start using cloth bags when she went to the grocery. I even try to get people to carpool in the summer.
All of this new fuel sources bring up a big problem for America, it's going to cost more than any of us ever thought. The car that runs on water, well you have to distill the water which takes electricity. So of course you can't use nuclear or coal for that purpose because that would be an oxymoron. So that means wind power is obviously the next step. That's also very expensive. This raises the question, would YOU pay 6-10 dollars for a gallon of gas knowing that you are helping to save this planet for countless generations and you are making a difference. Are there enough Americans who actually care? Personally I'd give up going out to eat a couple times a week to do that. Or whatever I could. Would you? Would America as a whole? Because we all know just how ignorant and stubborn we can be. I really just started this thread to get some intelligent dialect going. so start!