the worst part about this thread:
mikee is bringing up his opinion, and being completely reasonable. he is stating what he believes in and telling you guys what he thinks of gus ken (forgot his name). he has told you guys what he hates about KENGUS's style. none of you guys have even argued why it isn't as mikee describes it.
the rest of you guys are just arguing by saying mikee is wrong and he can't ski like gus kenschmenfannypack.
now please!
actually come up with reasons as to why you think ken schmen gus has good style and is bringing skiing in the right direction of the sport. you can't just suck his dick and call people haters if you can't back up your own argument. prove him wrong or GTFO.
you can't say that he is going in the right direction of the sport because he is having fun on skis. we are talking about style here, it's obvious that everyone loves to ski if they care enough to talk about it on the internet. it's not a legit argument so again GTFO.
now let the downwards spiral of death continue with personal attacks against mikee because no one is intelligent enough to bring up real arguments!
someone is going to quote this saying: DUDE, SKIING IS ABOUT FUN, WHY ARE WE DOING THIS. you, person who is quoting this, GTFO.