so throughout the election ive noticed that barack obama gets an advantage out of being black. i mean it seems like if u criticize the guy u sound like a racist. i found this interview though where he uses the phrase "typical white person" wtf barack. u cant just go around grouping white people together as being all the same, cuz that sounds pretty damn racist to me. seriously how does he get away with this shit? u bet if mccain used the phrase "typical black person" the leberal-biased media would be all over it and his campaign would literraly be over in a matter of a day. but obama calls his grandma a "typical white person" and i goes completely unnoticed. yeah i guess all us white people are the same in obama's eyes. what a douche, im so fucking tired of him playing the race card, just talk about how ur gonna help the country instead of stereotyping groups of people and making urself seem like a victim cuz of ur skin color. i really hope mccain wins even though i dont agree with him on a lot of shit either