Replying to So NS I've been thinking and recently came up with a rediculous thought..
I now me thinking there is bound to be something bad to come of it. Here goes nothing, note this is just a thought..
Today i health class (Yeah im the only senior in health) we were looking at AIDS, and how the southern part of Africa has 28 million cases of AIDS. Think about Africa with me folks, AIDs, mostly uncivilized (to our standards), genocide, murder, rape, and many other diseases. I think we SAVED so many lives during Slavery. Think that if we didnt go there, all the slaves would have either died some other way or very rarely lived a long life. I know slavery was cruel, but slavery couldnt be worse than having your whole family raped or have them get AIDs or something, right? And think of their generation, those children whos ancestors were brought to America live prosporous lives in America now. I'm not saying you cant have a good life in Africa, but compared to the amount in America I think Slavery has benefitted and will continue to benefit the generations of african americans. Lets face it, if we didnt bring them to America it wouldnt matter Africa would still be a 3rd world continent with the terrible shit it goes through every day.
I didnt write this as well as I hoped but you get the point.
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