heres the story, translated to english.
It was during filming in the Alps with Thierry Donard and Nuit de la glisse that the Norwegian cross-country veteran Fred Roar Syversen (42) missed his scheduled run line. In a speed which is said to have been over 80 km / h, the Peace have driven right off a more than 100 meters high cliff. According to sources, did the other team to locate Syversen after a while, over 2.5 meters down in the snow, and apparently not too late, we believe the preliminary unconfirmed reports.
After that Fred missed so much on the line say, was not the camera men prepared for what was to happen. No one knows yet for certain whether the involuntary floated is attached to the film in its entirety, but the rumor that the end certainly is immortalized. The pilot of the helicopter to the page said to have measured the rock to around 320 feet.
After Syversen was dug out, he must have stood on skis, even down to the helicopter, and then was flown to hospital. In the time of writing Fred in the hospital for observation, but so far doctors have not found any errors on hardhausen. A good portion englevakt can NOK forever young Syversen claimed to have had in these times of Easter, and at the same time he can possibly claim to be the holder of the world's highest cliff jump on skis - without a parachute or other permanent damage.