I watched Barack Obama's speech tuesday morning and felt something i haven't
been able to feel for eight long years under George Bush which was insperation
and love of my country, for a person to talk about racism like were adults has never really
happened before in the last half century. But as i have looked at the respone from the news media
and political internet forums i see almost a backlash against that kind of honesty. People pick parts of the speech they can use to relate to his pastor and his dividing words and ignore the honesty and sencerity of the truth of that message, which was to lay bare the anger that many black and white people felt against each other and through that maybe we could concentrate on real problems that this country faces and not the superficial ones. People are not responding the way i hoped, there is still that under current of racism in every interview of people who didn't like the speech, people use the words "them" or "the blacks" which means they might as well be calling them niggers. i am begining to give up hope on our parents genereation in terms of getting anywhere towards ending racism, its seems that all that has changed is that instead of activity speaking against black people like in the first part of 20th century with the push for segragation, our parents generation has instead just ignored the problem in hopes that some how it would fix its self, and when confronted with those truths i am seeing a back lash almost as if saying "how dare you pop our bubble of self protecting ignorence, i see black people in commericals on tv and some of them won the oscers, and look one of them can even do pretty well running for president" but as soon as that spotlight is turned on us we run and hide and say get the fuck away from me. So in the end i have to ask my self is our generation any different, we have embraced rap and the gangsta style and i dont doubt for a minute that most of us want to see more diversity in our sport but in the end most of us are white upper middle class rich kids. There are barriars to entry in to the world of skiing the primary one being money you got to have the skrilla in order to rip and that is part of the reason why our sport is dominated by white america. Are we really creating a better world or are we just perpetuting the same mistakes our parents made?