i didn't watch it cause it'll gross me out but i've done lots of research about slaughter and such. rodeos aren't dangerous, there are very few injuries to animals at rodeos. if theres anything gnarly going on in the vid at a rodeo its probably a mexican rodeo cause they have horse tripping and other sick stuff. but in america the people who own the stock make their livelyhood off of their animals, those animals recieve amazing care.
in america horses (i dunno about other animals) are slaughtered using a steel bolt thing, they get one hit to the brain and they're dead. i'm pretty sure its the same for cows. and its very UN often that the bolt misses its target, in which case yes the animal suffers for a second but then its over. again, if theres anything abusive going on in the video its most likely shot in mexico.
the bolt is not not a painful process. now that horse slaughter in the u.s. has been banned animals are being shipped to mexico for slaughter, where there basically aren't any rules regarding animal safety, not to mention the horses have to be transported all the way to mexico so they are in a trailer that much longer.
again, i didnt watch the movie cause it'll definitely gross me out but i've seen them before and for the most part if theres something nasty going on in it, it was shot at a mexican slaughterhouse.