I'm selling some things that I don't need/use anymore. I want to get rid of this stuff and make some quick cash so hit me up with offers if you aren't a fan of the price. I may be open to trades also.
first up are some kicks I got from a friend but really don't wear. Nikes are size 9. Adidas are size 9.5. I'm looking for $20 OBO on each pair.

Next up is Enjoy from Rage Films. $10 firm since it's pretty lowball anyways

Next up is an Oakley Crash Jacket in Plaid print, size M. I am 5'7" and 160 for reference. The jacket is off of SAC and I paid $80 for it w/ shipping so I am selling it for $80 (shiping included). The jacket is nearly brand new, only 5 times out. I'm really not a fan of baggy jackets seeing as how I am a small guy. I'd be willing to trade this for a M or S jacket.

Next up is a pair of Skullcandy SK Pro's in black. Super dope DJ style on these bad boys! $60 OBO

Last is a Motorola bluetooth earpiece. SHOULD work with any bluetooth equipped Motorola phone. If it doesn't I will refund it. $50 OBO.