I'll try to keep this short.
My birthday is March 13th and my original plan was to skydive on the 15th. long story short, i would have to wait until late april or may to get money off the jump to make it worth doing. since i kind of want to do something on or near the 13th, i started trying to think of other good things to do.
i thought a mini road trip up to montreal with a friend would be pretty cool to spend the night and see what goes down in canada, so my present would just be like gas and hotel money and some spending cash. or i could just tell my mom not to get me anything and just go skydiving later in april or may when i can get the $100 off.
i also thought about just saving money and going to montreal or skydiving in the summer, but i'd rather have something close to my birthday so i can really celebrate right.
a little ski trip with a friend would also be pretty cool, but i wanted to see if there were any big spring events coming up soon that would be cool to check out.
basically i just wanna know what's going on and if there's anything worth checking out that would be a good 18th b-day present. 18 really isn't a big year for me or anything, but im tired of just sitting at home eating cake every year.