It all started 7 SUNNY DAYS ago while we were having a SESSION 1242. All of a sudden a MASSIVE WAR of SHANGHAI 6 broke out onto HIGHER GROUNDS, I’m sure everyone had their REASONS for it, but someone had to SAVE everyone but nobody knew what to do but then suddenly I got this awesome IDEA, I decided to pull a MAGIC MOVE on everyone, my hommie T-Wall said it was a sick THEORY-3, he was right there with me when I did it, I was like YES, NO, MAYBE? He was like YES, READY AIM FIRE, when I did he gave me a HIGH FIVE and was like YEAH DUDE, the whole thing was a SHOWCASE SHOWDOWN. Later on that evening we went back to our PLEHOUSE and these guys from surrey went CRACKAS, one of them was a FUJATIVE, one was a PUBLIC ENEMY and the other was as quiet as a SILENCER. It seemed like they didn’t want us to ENJOY our stay, they looked like they wanted to have a CRUNCHTIME. Luckily for us we filmed the whole thing in REALTIME and mad a [PHOTO] PLAY, then reported it to the local police. Unfortunately we couldn’t contact the police from where we were staying because they were OFF THE GRID, the grid wasn’t actually very big, it was only 4BI9 megapickels and could only fill one wall, so instead we went back to our room which was on LEVEL 1 and ate some BEAVER TALES and enjoyed a nice game of JIBOPOLY, it was good timing too because right as we turned the T.V. on a FASION SHOW started, the girls in it were really hot, it almost seemed like a SKI PORN, our members ENHANCED and got HARD AS FUCK, good the McCaffrey brought his fake vagina and $120 face cream with him. We finally decided to have a contest to see who could POP YER BOTTLEZ 1st, everyone had to SHOW & PROOVE to make sure that nobody cheated. Once everyone was done we took an awesome picture for the YEARBOOK. We woke up the next morning and it was a WHITE SHINE. We were all so excited to go ski when I realized I lost my rad tuke, I went to the LOST AND FOUND to see if it was there, unfortunately all I found was a JOURNAL so I left. Once I got back to our room, everyone was already gone so decided to make a really good drink, at 1st it didn’t taste very good so I knew I had to use EXACT SCIENCE. To make it perfect I needed to light it on fire so I used a MATCHSTICK, I had to wait for it to cool down so I turned the T.V. on. The only good thing on was SKI MOVIE 3 and I was like darn, NOT ANNOTHER SKI MOVIE. So then I decided to go back to making my drink, I knew I was missing one ingredient so I went to LOOK IT UP, the ingredient I was missing was CHEESE & CRACKERS. I couldn’t concentrate because I wasn’t wearing my CORDUROY pants and I made way too much, there ended up being MORE FOR THE ASTRONAUTS. Then I decided to go have a nap, by the time I woke up the entire 604 CRUNK crew was back from skiing and said skiing was so good it was like SKIMATIC. LONG STORY SHORT we had some HAPPY DAYZ and are hoping to do it all over again next year but we might be POOR BOYZ and not be able to afford it.