first: nature is a fact that has the concept of human history attached to it for a wee-little amount of time.
just because we are making utterances about how we believe ourselves to be above nature doesn't automaticlly make it so. Your implication means that if we began to argue that we are above morality then we'd transend above it. You also asusme that because we've made this "distinction" of us and it, that it's truth, and that we understand nature; neither of this is fact.
i think your faiure to embrace evolution is a problem, especialy if you're making claims that "we understand nature"
Why can't i argue with you that we are instinctual animals at the core? It does not follow that every thought you have is a product of instinct, but at the core, when you take away our large brain complexes we are still animals. If you watch different groups of monkeys, and start to compair them i think it is fair to say that primates are sexual animals, driven by sex to do the things we do. (i suppose sex is always the driving factor under the "theory of evolution" but atleast with us the development of the female orgasm plays a key role in whatever concept you've derrived as us above nature.)
I think the human female orgasm facilitates social relations in one or more ways, including preventing conflicts and aiding reconciliation after conflicts, regulating tension, solidifying same sex and different sex alliances, and expressing social status. These are the functions that sexual pleasure seems in general to serve in everyone’s favorite super-sexy-love-primate, the bonobo (see Huhmann and Fruth 2000) all this we have culture we have intelect is all a byproduct of sex, especialy when it's not a purely male dominant state
now can we get some monkey love going on in this place? so much hate going around right now a little lovin can't hurt