I just want to express my concern regarding an attitude that seems to be spreading amongst the skiing community.
As soon as someone throws down a huge difficult trick, the "NS steeze patrol" comes out of the woodwork and shuts it down. For reference and example I'm talking about things like Jossi's switch double-cork 1440, Christian Bieri's switch double and triple frontflips, and Mike Wilson's various flips. They call it "arials" "Gay" etc. How is this sport ever going to progress if people don't push the limits? No shit, he's probably not going to get a grab when he is just learning the trick. Maybe you need to remember back to your first 360. I'm just going to assume you didn't put a tweaked blunt grab in there with it.
We can only push 5's and 7's so far. Single Grab... Tweaked Single Grab... Double Grab... what's next... triple grab... ... ...?
If guys like this don't push the limits, then in 2020 we'll still be seeing Kangaroo-fest in comps. I would love to see our sport really blow up with guys throwing their own unique tricks. Alot of semi-unknowns are out there too.
If you don't care for it, thats fine, thats your opinion. But don't shut these guys down and talk shit on them for trying to push our sport. They obviously love skiing, and are putting themselves at serious risk.