Hello fellow Californicators
'Gaper say "Whaaat?" productions' have been working, albeit very slowly, on several video edits on general goings on around tahoe, I'm usually on the North shore so that means its pretty heavily set in those resorts.. but I have a piece of shit car so am relatively mobile..
anyway, I have put up 3 episodes so far, here is the latest one:
As you can see we're going for a jokey, inebriated Greg Stump meets Wayne's World style of film.
I have plenty of footage of funny goings on, but am yet to really capture the high standard of shredding that we should be proud to house out here in Tahoe. I turn to you, the obsessive and talented inhabitants of newschoolers to help me sort this out.
If for example, you have a crew who shred gnar in Northstar and you think I should come film you slay park for a day I would be more than happy to. If you huck your tits off big cliffs at Kirkwood and have it on film all ready and you want to share it with the world, then lets load that shit on to my mac book and fire it out onto the web.
If you can monoski,or you know a kid who snowboards dressed like Robocop... please let me know
Hell, I'll even come film you if your doing donuts in the Truckee High school parking lot - anything you can do to make Tahoe TV a reputable and hilarious production which reflects how freaking dreams it is to live here would be awesome.
Anyhoo, thanks for reading this essay, tell your friends etc.
contact me through NS or email : gapersaywhaaat@gmail.com
PS. I'm not making money, I do it for the love, so don't expect anything in return other than props and maybe a couple hits of laughing gas, no, I kid, I kid.