Before i get flamed...... YES i used the fucking searchbar dammit!
Alright so i got these beautiful skis in the mail today (no seriously, beautiful) looked at the other "mounting watch life" threads and seeing that everyone says true center is suggested on the ski. When i measure the ski out from front tip to the little arrow, it's 97cm, and 86cm from the little arrow to the rear tip. Am i just measuring from the wrong place? Wouldn't 91.5cm be true center?
Also when you guys say +1 and +2 from center, do you mean inches or centimeters? Centimeters makes more sense to me, but in inches, +1 and +2 from that little arrow puts the point real damn close to center. Sorry for the dumb questions, but this is the first ski i have ever bought with bindings not already being attached, and only my 2nd ski ever.