Replying to Ns rant.
sooooo i guess its illegal to have an opinion that conflicts with certain members on here, and your also a douche bag for knowing about a subject.
my regional has a thread about gangs. since i have taken 2 years of criminal justice and organized crime classes (one of the OC classes ONLY delt with salt lake city organized crime) i thought i would chime in with some information about the gangs the people are dealing with ( they were speaking about living in the neighborhood where they are and what there doings are) so i say what i have to say about the specific drugs these gangs are smuggling and a little bit of how they work......
i guess in saying said information im officially a person who thinks im the shit because i fucking know so much about gangs.....
"yoou know so much about gangs..... you must be scarface"
ummm alright bro im sorry that i thought some of these people would like to know about the gangs invading and destroying there neighborhoods......... and iknow this may sound stupid and a waste of time but i really am so tired of these super smart ass remarks that are sooooo useless and just dumb. theres just something about this site more than ever that is like there sooooo cool and whoever posting is just an idiot and there holier than thou.
also i guess im an idiot because my opinion on some peoples choices dont match up with other members.......
this site can sometimes be very uplifting and make you proud to be apart of it (like how the response was with my "troubles" but other times its just such a downer...........
im about to delete this all but i think im going to just post it anyway
if your going to post that it was a waste of your time......... well fucking a were sitting on a skiing website dont you think your already wasting time.........
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