Replying to Fractured collar bone help
Hey last sunday I was in the park and they had a flat box then a gap into a down which was pretty steep and i tried a switch up onto the down box the box was pretty thin and i got my skis caught up like i always do and slammed my shoulder right into the box. I thought i just bruised it but then that wednesday i played in a hockey game and i knew it was hurt. the doctor said i had a minor fracture in my left collar bone and i can not play contact sports for 3 weeks. i forgot to ask him when i could ski. i feel n o pain in it and it just looks like it is swelling a bit. it was just one little crack on th x ray. i dont wana be an idiot and fuck it up more but my appointment for him to give me the ok is march 4th. i have a comp the 1st. do u guys think il be ok to ski then? and should i take it easy for the rest of the season? i hope not
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