I need new skis and I'm trying to decide between three different skis. I know I want ninthward and the three skis I am choosing from are the Butterlicious, LT, and the First Blood. I ski alot of park and pipe and I live in the Midwest so theres no powder and lots of ice. I'm 6'1"ish and 170 pounds.
If it matters its my first year skiing park and I can throw 3s and 5s and plan on having 7s down by the end of the year. I'm going to use them for next years ski but I wanted to buy them now while they're on sale. I just wanted to know how they ski and which would be best.
First Blood-http://www.backcountryoutlet.com/outlet/NNW0010/Ninthward-Firstblood-Alpine-Ski.html