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Volkl Wall warranty problem
Posts: 2543
Karma: 930
I snapped one of my Walls skiing bumps a few weeks ago. They were about 3 weeks old and they broke right in front of the binding, I was pissed, but I've done the same thing to Rossi skis and they got replaced no worries.
Volkl have just sent back one of my skis with a replacment ski, the replacement ski has already been used and mounted (for different bindings), and hasn't even been tuned or ptexed. It also isn't the pair for my ski, so I have two skis with the same topsheet (minor but still gay).
So, I'm not pleased, I'm going to have harsh words with my rep and probably call them myself as well. If a brand new ski breaks like that, they should give me new ones, end of. What do you guys think, has anyone else had similar problems? Oh, btw they had been used on rails but ony a few times, no cracked edges or anything.
Posts: 3469
Karma: 42
thats weird did you send them back both skis??
Posts: 2543
Karma: 930
Yes. I really can't see why they would do this.
Posts: 222
Karma: 19
awesome skis made in china are the best
Posts: 3304
Karma: 301
be happy, i snapped p.e.'s in half and they didnt give me new ones. ithink most problems its understandable that its their fault but if the ski snapped then its questionable as to what happened. thats all i can think of
Posts: 2543
Karma: 930
How did you do them? I've snapped skis on rails before and not been pissed because they had been skiied on rails a lot and skiied hard out of the park as well, but these things were pretty much brand new and had no rail damage.
Posts: 937
Karma: 171
the same thing happened to my friend..he broke the ski right behind the heel peice and they warranted him with a used ski of the same graphic as his other one...and he just broke them the other day he pulled a p18 heel peice out
Posts: 1496
Karma: 10
Too bad almost all Volkl skis are made in Germany. One of the main reasons why K2 bought Volkl was so that they could make high end skis in that factory.
I guess there was a bad batch of walls, and you got one of them. I have broken some Karmas, and they sent me next years ones with free shipping. I would definitely say something, because they should send you a new pair, unless they have none left. You could also try to see if you can use that ski until the end of the year, and then send them back again, and just get next years ones.
Posts: 692
Karma: 33
Ive had two pairs of walls. Personally I really really like them. The first pair delamed/riped out under my heel. I sent them back no problem no Q asked. Than they just ripped out the second time an on the first time they told me if i had any problems with them to send them back an we will either refund you full price or get you another pair. I got refunded an I am going to buy next years when they come out.
Posts: 2086
Karma: 128
the walls an other volkls that are not highend are made in china, just try to find that "made in Germany" on the ski, so much for chinese quality
Posts: 3312
Karma: 443
i thought all volkls were made in Germany...i used to ride their race skis, then a pair of expressions and both said they were made in Germany....also, hence why volkls are called the porsche of skis
Posts: 9691
Karma: 1,702
Stuff like this makes me question whether or not I want walls for next year. Why so many problems?
Posts: 2542
Karma: 298
they screwed up and forgot a layer of something in the ski and it made them really weak. they fixed it for next year though and they shouldn't have any problems, so i'd go for it next year. besides those problems though everyone i've talked to loves them (i haven't ridden them so i can't really say anything myself). sick skis
Posts: 228
Karma: 19
word to the hecka dope fun awsomeness of the volkl wallz, unfortunately my heelpiece ripped out a couple of times too. I'm glad to know it's a factory screw up and am stoked to get hooked up with new ones, hopefully. I'll let you know how the warranty dealings go.
Posts: 1010
Karma: 16
Lets get it all out on the table here:
1.Volkl makes some of its skis in china, if your skis are still in the plastic when you buy them check the tail cause there will be a little paper made in china sticker. The foam core skis (AC, junior skis and low end womes skis), ALL of the twin tips/free skis except the Mantra are made in China. Otherwise somewhere on the ski it will say made in Germany.
2.This years walls were shit, the fiberglass layer was too thin and the glue on most of the skis didn't completely fill the ski causing delaminations. Next years walls are built much better. At the Volkl ski trial the wall for next year didn't delaminate unlike the wall at last years ski trial.
3.And as far as the warranty goes talk to your shop or your rep(if your sponsored) because when we send skis back we record the serial number so getting an unmatched pair wouldn't happen. And i don't think that they operate like that, it may have been a problem with your local distributor and not actually with volkl as everything is outsourced now(see point #1).
And that's all i have to say right now
Posts: 1365
Karma: 51
same thing happened to mine, i turned them in back to the store and they sent them to vokl and i got a new pair
Posts: 608
Karma: 12
They might have sent you that ski because thats all they had. Don't get too bent outa shape. I'm sure that if you talk to them (and be nice) they will send you a new pair when they make them. I have had lots of warranty issues with them and they always take great care of me.
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