my buddies and i drove to our high school's basketball playoff game which we won tonight. we are just cruisin down the road when we see po-po lights up ahead. we started to get a little worried since we had bud on us. anyways as we get closer we see cars are having to stop, we thought they were checking cars or some crazy shit. we then realized it was just cause one lane was closed, still not sure the reasons. as we go by we see these 3 black guys on the ground handcuffed laying there. then we look down in this field and they had a spotlight or something on it, apparently one of them ran and might of got away. we look at the car and the trunk is open, we see at least 20 bricks of what i assume to be weed. whatever it was there was a shitload. it was pretty badass.
yeah i know, cool story hansel