I think there is.
on my way to school every day I almost never see a cop. Maybe once every 2 weeks.
But for the last few days I swear ive see about 20 cops every day on my way to school, pulling people over, parked at neighborhood stop signs, patrolling around ALL OVER THE PLACE. Its like crawling with cops.
I also have seen alot of cop stories lately on NS, maybe related i dont know.
But anyways I think this might be one of their schemes. Maybe they think its more effective to have big sting operations in order to restrain peoples driving than to have a long term trickle of cops and pullovers.
I think at least in my area they do it every february. Cops will be parked in the gayest places, doing shit like checking no right turn 4-7pm signs, when all you have to do is go past it, make a u turn and then make the left which is legal.
Anyways is anybody else noticing this?