I too look at both sides of parties as well. I agree with you, the heritage foundation is politically bias, but what site is not? i get alot of my info from CNN, FOX (etc.), talk shows, my professors and so on. I formulate my option off of those as well.
I went to that link you posted somewhere for CNN money. there was another link at the bottom talking about the greatest economic boom ever. (not trying to pick a fight here just proving both sides)
heres the link
there are charts on the side all the way down the page. the first ones talk about the recent economic boom in this country, the second part of the charts talk about how in debt we are as a nation. so you can get both your figures off of one page.
but its a flip side to the coin,(and still, not starting a fight just trying to see your side as well, haha)
the economy is booming becasue ppl are getting into debt to purchase what they want (not need). so its kind of two evils.
and ppl say that we are in more debt then ever in history.
we duh, we have 300 million people in this country (that we know of)of course we spend more money because we have millions more people.
its americans faults for spending more than they make.
i got way off track but you get my point