In case you couldn't mix the two which would be ideal...
1. A park with:
-several progressively longer/higher flat rails and flat boxes none of them being over crotch height with decently high lips to them
-maybe 2-5 more interesting features such as a nice flat down flat, a down flat down, rainbow, trap, barrel, down, flat down etc, all of which being rather mellow none being over crotch height with decently high lips to them
2. A park with:
-A 11' tall uprail to gap
-A huge S rail about 4' off the ground,
-That DFD S rail at breckenridge
-A huge transfer set up from 5' tall half rainbow to huge gap to down rail (like at sunday river)
-The huge shit in keystone as seen in real time
-Large downs/ dfd with little to no urban lips.
Id rather have 1 cuz im just learning to get real tech and i think itd be much easier to learn in 1.