Sorry for the length between updates. Im guessing everyone knows what is up at the moment and that it is snowing like no other. So get up here shred all the fresh. Anyways, I am sure everyone is wondering why upper air chamber and all the rails are not up. The answer is that, we have been exploring new terrain options, so we held off on the building of chamber. Air Chamber is going to be moved to I-5, which besides the slow lift will turn out great due to the pitch and width. It is sort of a trial period for I-5, if it is liked it will stay, if not it will go. Also look for the gap between sunshine and Ipark to be bridged with the addition of pats or old blue line. Things will start being built on all these once the heavy snow stops. Meanwhile enjoy the snow. I-5 does have 3 tables, more true table style, at 30, 38, and 45.