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Am I blind? Is this the only State of the Union thread?
Posts: 942
Karma: 8
I figured I'd see a thread discussing GW's final State of the Union. What'd you guys think?
Posts: 12973
Karma: 500
it's all talk (well of course), he's promising all this stuff he can't fulfill. it was a waste of time to watch pretty much.
Posts: 18901
Karma: 75
Posts: 1278
Karma: 15
even thought i disagree with bush on a lot of things and i know i alot of people on this sit do too you got to respect him for being the least political president since the 19th century, He works on principal and doesn't get copught up in anything which i think is cool
Posts: 4904
Karma: 568
I can never bring myself to watch 5+ minutes of that guy speak
Posts: 12973
Karma: 500
well if you consider manipulation a principle, then i suppose so.Â
i don't want to start a big argument so i'll explain that...
he uses "safety" and fear of being unsafe to convince people to support things without looking at what they are. he tells people they have to let the gov't keep wiretapping and detaining US citizens or else they'll be unsafe. his endorsements of torture, denying detainees basic human rights, and valuing american life over any other life are all supported by the fact that they "promote our freedom". that's a big manipulation in my opinon.
Posts: 1400
Karma: 123
i see your point, but the way i see it, his blind irrational adherance to a set of arcane principles in the face of all reason, evidence, logic and the overwhelming tide of public sentiment is way worse than being what he might call a 'reactionaryovist'
Posts: 1400
Karma: 123
btw im copywriting that word.
Posts: 12973
Karma: 500
yeah, exactly. he's willing to manipulate the public in following his principles, which is no good.
Posts: 25443
Karma: 13,845
To add to this, the House and Senate are both under democratic control now, Bush cant push legislation like the Patriot act and No Child Left Behind anymore. He may be more neutrally poised now, but for the whole, his 8 years only further deepened the trench between parties.
Posts: 644
Karma: 8
i dont....
Posts: 25443
Karma: 13,845
I'm watching it right now, my god. I'm in total disbelief, how are we going to balance the budget if we not only keep taxes low, but ALSO make these ridiculous tax cuts permanent? What The Fuck.
Posts: 2923
Karma: 13
80% is exactly what was said for the past 5 years and the other 20% is all economic bullshit about tax relief
Posts: 1697
Karma: 62
i am baffled by how divided the whitehouse is.. no wonder we have so many problems...
Posts: 25443
Karma: 13,845
Wow, imagine that, the state of our union is once again strong.
Posts: 1882
Karma: 27
we'll have even more problems if we elect a muslim as president
Posts: 25443
Karma: 13,845
...so you know that was proved just to be a nasty rumor, right? You wouldnt be so dumb to actually believe a snippet of propaganda playing on unfounded fears of other religions, right? You wouldnt actually have the audacity to believe that one of the presidential candidates is part of a huge Muslim conspiracy to overthrow the US government from the inside, right? Right?
Posts: 5700
Karma: 113
Posts: 5700
Karma: 113
LOL - Because tax is a joke, its all for image. if the govt needed money, they can get it from the bankers (who control the money of the entire globe) to give them some. Its ALL DISTRACTION. MISDIRECTION. AND ITS WORKING IT ALWAYS DOES! WAKE UP
Posts: 5700
Karma: 113
Do you know why there is a recession coming?
Becuase they are building trilllion dollar infrastructure in Iraq. OIl, Military. Its the biggest construction project ever created. The Towers? man, Let's TROUNCE them, and lets build something BIGGER.
you think the people who are at the top are worried? LOL They're not concerned with your morgage payment, weather it is on time or not, theyre gonna get it from someone.
FUCK them and their Corrupt Economic System and their Corrupt Governments and their Corrupt Education, FUCK them treating the human race as their own amusement park. GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY LIFE YOU SLAVEOWNINGRACISISTWARMONGERINGBRAINWASHEDUNEMPATHETICHOLLOWSOULEDSADASSSACSOFFLESHYBRAINDEADALIENHIDINGWASTEOFFLESH
ps. youre all a bunch of dicks.
Posts: 19108
Karma: 16
America is fucked, come live in Canada
Posts: 25443
Karma: 13,845
Why cant you guys just liberate our country, eh?
Posts: 5700
Karma: 113
so you could finish it.
Posts: 13809
Karma: 92
You're boring, America makes you.
Posts: 5700
Karma: 113
^ it was a by-product, we got the best parts, learned from some of oyur mistakes. all in all, we have more potential. resources are the future, and we got em... so do you, cause we trade, but it gives us a stacked hand.
no offence
Posts: 6308
Karma: 6,676
he said "nucular" instead of "nuclear". i laughed.
Posts: 2721
Karma: 15
This is true, however the dems should be ashamed of themselves, what a bunch of bitches. After they got house majority, that piece should have been ousted immediately. As for the sotu, another "comon guys just bear with me, im right"(in texan accent) moment from GW. This guy just says the same old bullshit over and over. Iraq, god dont get me started...economy, wow checks for people you say?! Wow how generous 1000 measly dollars that some assholes are going to spend on a flat screen television, when the war is costing us 2 billion dollars a week. But its ok...Iraq will be a stable DEMOCRACY (fuck yeah!) in a matter of time...
Posts: 1448
Karma: 14
haha mad respek
bush is a fucking mass murderer
Posts: 723
Karma: 14
It was a lame duck speech, theres nothing he can do now except cut his losses.
^your an idiot to the guy posting above me.
Posts: 9093
Karma: 429
ORLY? Why dont you stop talking out of your ass.
explane to me how the hell Bush is a mass murderer?
Hell, why dont we add Bill to that list to? Bill dropped bombs to you know..........
I assume you are talking about Iraq?
Why dont we add John Kerry to that list also? He voted for the war before he voted against it.
dont get me wrong im NO Bush fan, he screwed everyone over who voted for him.
Posts: 7803
Karma: 466
o patty, I didn't think ignorance was a trait of yours!
Posts: 25443
Karma: 13,845
Clinton and Kerry didnt go to war under assumptions from faulty intelligence. But no, Bush is in no way a mass murderer, he's just a terrible president.
Posts: 9322
Karma: 76
Lets compare the deaths from the first Gulf War, to our Iraq Occupation...
Oh shit, your completely misguided.
Posts: 9093
Karma: 429
I agree 100% that Bush has been a Bad president...........
but if Iraq is "Bush's war" isnt Kerry and most of the other senators accomplice's to "murder" By knowing extensive intelligence information about it, and voting for it.
"We know that he has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country."
-- Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002
"We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is seeking and developing weapons of mass destruction."
-- Sen. Ted Kennedy (D, MA), Sept. 27, 2002
"I will be
voting to give the President of the United States the authority to use
force -- if necessary -- to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe
that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a
real and grave threat to our security."
-- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Oct. 9, 2002
I know i am going to be crucified for this, but i really truly believe that Saddam had WMD'S...
And we could have won the War if we didnt fight it with one arm tied behind our back.
Posts: 13809
Karma: 92
I figured to fight ignorance with equal ignorance.
Posts: 10928
Karma: 36
just thought I'd throw this little find into the mix. Apparently, according to an FBI investigator, Saddam made it well known that they did have such weapons but didn't think that Bush would react as he did:
Posts: 9093
Karma: 429
o shit your completely misguided. you do realize that the all we did in the first Gulf war was drive the Iraqi's out of kuwayt. we didnt occupy the country for years..
Posts: 9322
Karma: 76
So where did the WMD's magically run off to?
Posts: 9093
Karma: 429
Iran? he also GASSED a couple hundred thousand of his own people, you do know this right?
its fairly common knowledge
Posts: 2526
Karma: 64
so who the fuck cares? he has a southern accent and pronounces words weird. that makes him a bad president? i'm in favor of bush and the things he has done in the past year or two but i'm not going to give examples so everyone can just tear me apart and think they're a correct and jump on the bush-hating bandwagon to be cool.
Posts: 1378
Karma: 22
im in class and was looking at this for US Gov.
think he deserved it? did anyone listen to it?
Posts: 387
Karma: 10
Because the war in Iraq is no longer counted in our budget deficit. Â
Posts: 352
Karma: 10
The entire thing was just more retarded bullshit. He basically said he's going to do whatever he wants, and nobody can stop him. Every other sentence was telling congress what they should do, and he even has the balls to say that if they try and repeal the "tax relief" for the extremely wealthy, he will veto it. And, he was implying that he never wanted to be in Iraq, but that is what the American people demanded, and as their faithful leader he obeyed.
Posts: 9067
Karma: 330
it's been proven throughout history that cutting taxes increases tax revenues because people will have more money to spend and every time money is spent the IRS takes a chunk
Posts: 6308
Karma: 6,676
chill the fuck out bro. all i said was that it was funny. did i say anything about him being a bad president? no. i dont hate bush, and i dont necessarily like him either. i am in favor of some things, but oppose others. so his mis-pronouciation of a word has nothing to do with the way he runs our county.
Posts: 9093
Karma: 429
wow i never thought i would find another Reagonomics person on NS but i did........
want a Ron Paul fact............ if the US government completely abolished the whole income tax system 100%
we would have the same budget as 10 years ago, now that is a truly amazing statistic.........
note im not for Ron Paul, i think he is a financial genius... but way to extreme on foreign policy
Posts: 5700
Karma: 113
Wow. Are you really that stupid?
I guess you dont know that Saddam was put in power and funded by the CIA.
And I guess you didn't know that the only weapons he had were given to him as well.
Finally, I guess you don't know shit.
Posts: 5700
Karma: 113
LOL you don't jump on the bush hating bandwagon to be cool, you jump on because your IQ isnt 6.
Posts: 9093
Karma: 429
Ok i fail to see how any of my points are affected by your statement?
if you are calling me stupid then you are also calling almost all of
the US senators "stupid" they voted for the war, actions speak louder
than words.
Yes i did know about how the CIA helped Saddam.
the US also helped Osama, and Fidel..... these people chose their path, not us.
Posts: 352
Karma: 10
You are stupid, and so are most US senators. THEY PASSED THE "USA PATRIOT" ACT WITHOUT READING IT. And you say Saddam and Osama chose their own path, although we helped them. Did you ever think maybe our relations back then are what made them hate us now? We funded the mujahideen in Afghanistan until the USSR no longer existed, and then the people we had been supporting became the taliban and started committing acts far worse than the Russians. And if you actually believe Bush is a "good" president, you are a moron. (unless you like him because you're obscenely wealthy and his tax cuts save you millions, but that is impossible, seeing as you're obviously a redneck inbred 12 year old with downs)
Posts: 2954
Karma: 14
See it's a little different, because the Bush administration had access to all sorts of intelligence that senators didn't have at the time. They repeatedly made statements that they knew at the time to be false, building popular support for the war. That is why Bush should have rightfully been impeached many years ago.
Plus, Gore's quote is probably a little out of context. He did have biological and chemical weapons, but back at the gulf war, and all of those expired many years before the turn of the century. Knowing that in the past makes it alot more believable when the president declares that there is an imminent threat.
If you want to know a little about what was actually going on around the start of the war, look up Scott Ritter. He was a UN weapons inspector for many many years, and stated/will continue to state that Saddam had no WMD's and posed no immediate threat. The bush administration simply ignored him and cherry picked their own evidence. Ever wonder why the UN voted repeatedly against invading Iraq? It could very possibly (definitely was) have been the overwhelming evidence disproving many/all the claims the Bush administration made in their case for war.
I can't remember the name or source but there was also a recent report on statements the Bush administration made leading up to the war that were known to be false.
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