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So yesterday i lost my vision
Posts: 2145
Karma: 19
So the other day when i was snowboarding i decided not to wear a helmet while on a closed woods trail. i know it was dumb but it happened. so anyway i crushed a stump and smacked my head on ice pretty hard. I got up slowly and shook it off and kept riding. I had a slight headache for maybe 30 minutes, but nothing too serious. The rest of the day i was fine.
I woke up the next morning and went to school. as soon as i sat down in Spanish class my vision started to blur. There was a bright white blur directly in the focal point of my vision. I figured that that shit would pass but it only got worse. After about 30 minutes i couldn't even make out people's faces. Blindly i felt my way out of the class room and into the hall. i tried to call my mom but i couldn't see the numbers on the phone. By this point i was pretty fucking nervous. I felt / stumbled my way down to the nurses office. As soon as i walking into the door the nurse had me lay down. I couldn't see shit at this point. I told her what was going on and the first thing she asked me was if i had suffered any blows to the head. she told me i probably had a slightly detached retina and my vision might come back and it might not. Fuck. I didn't want to be a Helen Keller for the rest of my life. slowly after an hour or two my vision came back. The nurse told me i might have to get surgury which would be gay. and today i almost passed out at work. All of a sudden i felt mad blazed and unbalanced. so i might see a doctor tomorow. All this shit happened because i didn't wear my helmet for a few runs. Almost going blind really made me think about shit.
kind of pointless story but wear a helmet
Posts: 3676
Karma: 18
so you "might" see a doctor?
Posts: 15967
Karma: 11,027
nah good story
mad scary
i keep hearing these stories. im gonna wear my helmet all the time
Posts: 2145
Karma: 19
yeah i doubt there is much he could do except tell me what i already know
Posts: 10905
Karma: 60
Posts: 2145
Karma: 19
yeah im gonna fucking sleep with mine on after this shit
Posts: 2145
Karma: 19
Posts: 4765
Karma: 153
that's scary as hell. vibes+++ hopefully no long term damage. I've gotten these migraines before where basically out of like half of one eye I can't see anything.. exactly like I've been staring into a light and the glare it still there. and when I can see again I get the wost headache. it sucks but it only happened twice a few months back.
Posts: 1076
Karma: 28
I know eh? like i don't think your healthcare system is THAT fucked. at least not yet.
Posts: 6857
Karma: 25
no not pointless at all, stories like this need to be told so that it can [hopefully] happen less often.
Posts: 2145
Karma: 19
bro im fine now, but it could have been a lot worse than it was
Posts: 230
Karma: 15
ya dude i smashed my head pretty good and i had a helmet and i forgot shit like where i was parked and people and shit. concussions suck, you lose your fucking mind. but ya doesnt sound like u had one but ya dude, id be scared. You "might" see a doctor? wtf are u retarded? if i were u i wouldve been gettin somewheres fast as soon your vision started failing. like hospital? but ya shit i jus thought of somethin, sometimes when i land really hard even on my feet i see like black dots n shit, sometimes stars. its fucked up. this sport fucks and owns people. be carful
Posts: 1076
Karma: 28
ya sry i didnt read your respone to 2+2=5 cuz that was posted after i clicked on thread, my bad man.
Posts: 7167
Karma: 94
man thats fucked up! hope shit gets better soon.
Posts: 6072
Karma: 18
Dude even if you feel fine you should at least call your Doc. They prob know alot more than the nurse you talked to. You at least want to let them know, it could be something more serious.
Posts: 4089
Karma: 79
thats happened to me from concussions but it didnt last that long
Posts: 1168
Karma: 41
that's some scary stuff, similar thing happened to me. took a knee to the face playing rugby, shit was blurry for a couple days. good to hear you're doin better.
wear your helmet
Posts: 2145
Karma: 19
your right, ill at least call him tomorow
Posts: 6475
Karma: 18
So blind people see all white and not black..........
Posts: 9093
Karma: 429
well your first problem is the SNOWBOARD ............ hahah jk
but really just go see a doctor... better safe than sorry
Posts: 7847
Karma: 1,538
Posts: 1761
Karma: 20
shit son i hope you dont need surgery!
Posts: 2889
Karma: 13
man, hope things get better, definatly talk to your doctor.
Posts: 6671
Karma: 137
If you had a detached retna wouldnt that happen reguardless of if you you had a helmet on or not?
Posts: 564
Karma: 10
that sounds scary as shit. yeah and being blind would suck really bad.
Posts: 3096
Karma: 44
u may have had a migraine. its very similar actually, that same vision loss happens and it freaked me out the first time it happened to me
Posts: 6072
Karma: 18
Have you lost your entire vision like that when you've had a migraines? that would suck.
I've had aurora vision when i've had migraines before. That's one of the names for it, but it wasn't like vision loss though. I can't really explain it, it made me super sick to my stomach though.
Posts: 21362
Karma: 5,145
God Bless America, where whether you see a doctor for BLINDNESS is still a matter of how much money you're willing to cough up. If they're just going to say the same thing the nurse told him, why drop 500 bucks on it?
Posts: 6072
Karma: 18
Well if he has insurance, all it should be is like a $15 copay, the insurance covers the rest. If he was at the ER though it would be different.
Posts: 438
Karma: 10
That's if you have a really good insurance under your parents. If you are by yourself like me, insurance is $250 a month with a $3000 a year deductible and then they cover 100% after that. But who spends on average $3000 a year for random flus and colds, not me. So the whole point of insurance for me is the protection of not having my life fucked with medical bills due to a random accident.
Or don't also forget to factor in the fact that this appointment is going to be placed in your medical history and next time you try to get vision insurance your premium will be higher due to a risk of problems with your eyes.
Fuck our health care!
Posts: 2145
Karma: 19
i would only have to cough up a $15 copay
Posts: 3433
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Posts: 2258
Karma: 43
hopefully you dont need surgery, i would def see a doctor and just lay low for a while
Posts: 7914
Karma: 22,687
yeah, helmet is a good idea. Good job for making this thread. The otehr day last run I was dropping a really small, about 6-8 foot drop onto a groomed run, going pretty fast. I landed forward, double ejected from my skis and landed headfirst on the hardpack. I felt it pretty good through my helmet, and that side of my head had a headache for tthe rest of the evening. Glad I was wearing a helmet, cause that hurt even with it on.
Posts: 1503
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Posts: 9371
Karma: 61
i think that his retina detached because of the hit on the head and shock. a helmet would have absorbed the shock and protect the head
Posts: 149
Karma: 11
I hit my head once trying a 360 off a 15 footer. I 450'd and hit my head hard *with a helmet*.
Everything went black for like 20 seconds and then my vision slowly came back, like black and white first and colors a minute later. I dunno if it was a concussion or a retina deal, but it was wierd.
Posts: 4684
Karma: 114
Hey man get better bro,
The one thing that always trips me about these threads, is when they say that they went blind, and yet they can type out a whole story on NS...haha just something I laugh at!
Posts: 3529
Karma: 1,128
that happens a lot of the time with head trauma, like when you get a concussion for the next couple days you cant really focus your sight on things. you'll be okay, always gotta wear that bucket... it'll save your life.
Posts: 6671
Karma: 137
yea maybe but it seems to me that its a whiplash thing
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