Hey everyone. I currently have a pair of prophet 90s and was thinking of getting a pair of Chronics for park. I am a very strong skier in all conditions and can ski switch on black diamonds. However I would like to get into park a bit more.
I was told that the prophet 90 and chronic are too similar to have both in my "quiver". I can probably do park on the prohets but then again I'd like to keep the edges on these as these are my only skis atm after I got two paiirs stolen in the beginning of the season (one of shich were brand new chronics that I didn't get to ride much to compare).
Although I can see similarities (ie waist width are close 90 vs 85) there seems to be some differences as well. The chrons have a symmetrical flex pattern and doesn't have the metal matrix which might make it less stiffer than the prophets.
Anybody here skied both to notice any differences or any advice on whether to get a differnt park ski etc? I don't want a ski that is too soft since I like stiffer skis. Any feedback is welcome.