how about a new perspective..
MAYBE, God created the big bang. MAYBE, all this scientific stuff that everybody is arguing for is really because God created it that way. MAYBE God created very simple organisms and in 7 days they grew to epic proportions. MAYBE the world was a giant asteroid that God created that flew off it's gravitational path and got stuck between venus and mars.
here's the facts:
the stuff in the bible REALLY happened. Jesus was a real man, and all the amazing stuff that matthew, mark, luke, and john wrote about really happened. water to wine, healing the blind, sick, needy, etc. Now, perhaps these stories were milked a little bit to serve as examples of his greatness. but maybe Jesus had a pail of wine and just surprised everybody and i SEEMED that he was turning it to wine. remember, this book was transcribed thousands of years ago! these guys were probably pretty gullible! haha-but i don't think that a whole nation of people could be fooled by a man who never once sinned to any body's knowledge, who healed people on the spot of dying illness, and who preached the gospel until he was tortured for hours and hours, and finally crucified on the cross. and STILL he didn't falter. he forgave those killing him, and even prayed out loud as he was dying for those persecuting him! that may not be holy to some, but to me...i would have at LEAST cussed some body out. and i'd NEVER pray for their sick a**es.
who knows? only God himself. BUT, if the big bang is possible, then Jesus being the actual first descendant to God is's all how you look at it. i'm trying to be as reasonable as possible, while maintaining my religion. we can argue this forever because there's no final answer right now. But i'm going to stick with this one, and maybe i might have turned a few heads while doing it. see ya.