do not use JAILBREAKME.COM, it doesnt install the SSH client to the best of my knowledge i could be wrong though, I would suggest using just go to that on your ipod and safari will crash, it will then go to mainscreen and download a file. then it will restart. This is not the first step however, if you just got your ipod, youre firmware will be 1.1.2. and maybe 1.1.3. depending how recent it is, idk if 1.1.3. is outyet but meh, anyways this is also fairly simple to to do. follow this video:
Then you would do what i explained in the first paragraph. Now once you have that done install oktoprep from the installer that is put on your ipod when u jailbreak. MAKE SURE you do that, otherwise you will have to restore and that is no fun. Then you will jailbreak to 1.1.2. This can be done following this:
And then you're done! I didnt explain it very clearly at all, for more info on what to do visit this site:
Don't make noob posts cause they gte pissed off. Anyways idk if what i said helps but i would definately recommend doing this, on mine i have 10 gameboy advanced games like mario kart and mortal kombat, Playstation 1 with grand theft auto, all the iphone apps, a functioning internet phone (uses voip) and a bunch of other cool shit, but if you dont have wifi in your house dont bother doing anything.