Probably you do, becasue its fun and different, and ummm well im pretty sure thats WHY twin tips were invented....
So i was at kirby in dec, ya i know a while ago, but i was to lazy to put this up. So i skiid the bunny hill (one under standard chair) for a couple runs because the park was closed. NO ONE on the hill at all so i decide , hy not carve the whole run switch. SO i do it, its fun blablabla, i was standing in the chair line and a safety patroll lady cam up to me and told me i was "not allowed to ski backwards on the hill". I felt almost upset inside, but i told her she couldent tell me that and rode away.
Like seriously, whats the deal. o myyyy.
hah so i skiid switch past her everytime i saw her for the rest of the day and she wouldent even look at me. hahah.