Back when I lived only 40 minutes from a local ski resort... and I would go skiing alone, since friends had to work, etc. or no one wanted to go...I would rip it up... without any real fear of if something was to go wrong.. I am only 40 minutes from home. I only had one major accident with a chipped bone on my thumb from a kinked high rail. I drove home with one hand... etc.. it wasnt that bad.
Where I live now... its a 4 hour drive to go skiing... and most of the time... its alone... since its impossible to find people around here S. Carolina who CAN ski or Ride.. and have the time/funds to go. I gotta move. Now I noticed a bit of hesitation in my game... I see a nice huge hit... and I start thinking if I mess this up...trying a new trick... I am 4 hours from home. So I keep sticking with whats comfortable... not progressing.
Anyone else like this?
Any suggestions?