Wooowww So i was in Design Tech and im working away on my AutoCAD then a message comes up asking me if i wanted to save? so i was like ok i probably just hit ctrl + s cause i use ctrl alot in CAD. So then i was like cancel, and then all of a sudden I get kicked off and all my unsaved work dissapears. So im like wtf was that? And ask the teacher and hes like i dont know go talk to the computer guy. So i did and hes like oh wow you're in trouble, the board locked you out, that wasn't me. So anyways, Turns out they were all pissed off cause i used
www.site-unlock.com to get onto facebook and youtube. Then i go to the V.P. and hes almost in tears cause he was soo mad. Kids had been saving .bat files to the local drive so when you clock on them it sends a message out over the computer. then the V.P. called up my dad and explained what i had been doing, and hes stll yelling at me. He blows it way outta proportion and says i was sending out messages over the L Drive saying "Dont watch gay porn" "the school will be closed January 19th" "theres a bomb in the school and whatnot". and then he said i also used a proxy to get onto youtube. Then we go down to my tech class and the V.P. starts yeling at them and they're all laughing and patting me on the back afterwords.
So i'm waiting for my dad and the vp comes in and is like it says here you were on 300 sites with that proxy. And i'm like. "no way, i've used it maybe 5 times theres no way 5 sites = 300 page hits. and hes like well go talk to the computer guy and make sure u show that to your dad. And im like ok w/e, then i got talk to the computer guy, where i compltely pwned him, because it turns out the 300 page hits were the total from the entire school network. then my dad gets there and we go talk to my tech teacher who didnt even care, cause our whole class does it he was just like "Its just bad luck he went on it today, he ended up getting caught, everyone does it."
Anyways long story short the V.P. blew it way outta the water, he was like hes sending these gay porn messages and he's been on innapropriate sites ovcer 300 times. i realize i shouldn't have done it but come on. Get over yourself, if it was that bad why did you only give me a 1 day informal suspension?!?! V.P.'s are the most power hungry people i've ever met. I got in the car and my dad just laughed at im.