You've seen them in the parking lots and on the road: specialty plates for different groups and causes in Colorado. From College Alumni to Colorado Pioneer's, Firefighters, Breast Cancer Awareness, and Military Service designs, specialty plates of all types are available to residents of our great state; But where's the Skiing plate?
Over the past several seasons (and really decades) Coloradoans continue to express their desire to have a skiing/riding license plate, because ultimately we have some of the best skiing and riding in the world. For the past few years (since these specialty plates have become more popular) we've received hundreds of requests and suggestions for a Ski license plate because skiing and riding are a part of the Colorado culture. After all just look at your car: You have a ski rack, bumper stickers for your favorite mountain resorts, and that spare pair of gloves and goggles in the trunk. Why not have a skiing/riding license plate to complete the package?
To make this dream a reality Colorado Ski Country is sponsoring a petition to the Colorado Department of Revenue to start offering a Colorado skiing/riding-centric license plate. To do so, we need to show that there is enough interest for them to consider the petition and this is where you can help.
By filling out the form below* you are expressing your interest in such a specialty plate and are requesting that the Department of Revenue create such a plate for everyone who loves to ski and ride in our great state. This form is only a request to the Department of Revenue and you are not making an up-front commitment to buy a ski-centric plate, if and when they become available.
The license plate we are showing here to the right is a sample design that we will submit to the Department of Revenue along with your signature. The Department of Revenue retains overall discretion with regard to the final plate design, so this may not be what the actual plate will look like when it is made available.
When filling out this form please use your Home Address where your vehicle(s) is registered and let us know how many of your vehicles you may be interested in getting skiing/riding plates for. If you would like we can also keep you informed as to the ongoing status of the petition and the process of getting the license plate approved. Just mark the 'Please Keep Me Informed' box and we'll keep you in the loop as mile-stones are reached. Thank you for your support and enjoy your Colorado skiing/riding this year

Please visit our License Plate FAQs page for more information.
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